Nikolaev Museum of Shipbuilding and Fleet
Nikolaev, Ukraine
4 Admiral’skaya Street
Nikolaev Museum of Shipbuilding and Fleet was created in 1978. This museum will tell you everything you should know about the city of Nikolaev and the history of Nikolaev shipbuilding. Almost every museum room shows different ship models.
The Museum is located in an ancient building, which is a monument of history and archeology of state significance. This building is of the same age with Nikolaev, Ukraine.
Today Nikolaev Museum of Shipbuilding and Fleet is like a face of Nikolaev city. One may say, ”You haven’t seen Nikolaev, Ukraine if you haven’t visited its museum of Shipbuilding and Fleet”.
The exposition of 12 halls shows the stages of shipbuilding development in the Northern Black-Sea Region starting from ancient times, the process of Black Sea Fleet creation, shipyards’ development, represents the pages of shipbuilding history. The significant part of the exposition is devoted to the time when Nikolaev ands its shipyard were being built. Diorama “Vessels’ Building at Nikolaev Shipyard in the 1st quarter of XIX century” is one of most interesting exhibits in this museum.
If you still don’t know that Nikoalev yacht named “Ikar” has sailed all over the world since September 1987 to July 1988) you’ll definitely know it having visited Nikolaev Museum of Shipbuilding and Fleet.
Note this museum is a must visit place for everyone who is interested in Nikolaev, Ukraine, its history and its main branch shipbuilding.
Nikolaev Local History Museum
Nikolaev, Ukraine
32 Dekabristov Street

Nikolaev Local History Museum was founded in 1913. Currently it’s a great place to know more about Nikolaev region, its culture, history and nature.
Each year Nikolaev Local History Museum shows for about 40 new exhibitions. All show-pieces have been brought from different parts of Nikolaev region. Professional guides will share their secrets with you. Unfortunately, the excursions are held in Russian only. Though, in a case you have a personal translator you’ll understand everything the guide tell you about Nikolaev, Ukraine. In a case you don’t have a personal translator you can watch the show-pieces by yourself. Usually they are very interesting and self-explaining. So you’ll definitely enjoy them and learn more about the natural, cultural and historical background of Nikolaev region.
The Museum’s collection contains more than 160 thousand units, among which there are unique collections of antique books, items of archeology, numismatics, natural history and ethnography.
Fine - Arts Museum named after V.V.Vereschagin
Nikolaev, Ukraine
47 Bol’shaya Morskaya Street

Nikolaev Fine - Arts Museum named after V.V.Vereschagin is like a mixture of different colors, different painters and different historical epochs.
Nikolaev, Ukraine will be pleased if you visit its museums and learn more about the history and culture of this Ukrainian city.
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